7 tips for great tenant communication

7 tips for great tenant communication

Do you find communication difficult? No worries. We've got you covered

There are many ways to communicate. And depending on the person you’re communicating with, we have a tendency to change our language and approach. The service industry is no exception. Here, it’s alpha and omega that you understand your target group and how they communicate.

To make things easier for you, we start off by introducing some concrettips as to how you can improve communication to your tenants. To make it more manageable, we’ve listed seven concrete tips:

1. Make it personal 

The majority of people don’t want to feel as if they’re communicating with a robot when they contact you asking for help. Therefore, it’s important that the people who contact you can feel that a real human being is answering them. This can be achieved through communicative elements such as a personal or well thought out greetings in communication channels such as emails. If these elements aren’t personalised, the receiver can feel like just another number. To make the communication personal, you can use elements such as emojis, which leads us to the next tip.

2. Use emojis 😃
Emojis are smileys or ideograms that represent everything from the sender’s feelings to everyday objects. Therefore, they can be just the thing needed in order for you to express yourself in the best possible way 👍 Still, it is worth noting that it shouldn’t be overdone 🚫 It can be difficult to estimate when you’re overdoing it, but that leads us to the next point on our list: Listen to the target group to learn their communication patterns and to what extent they use elements such as emojis 💪

3. To listen is also to communicate

By listening to the people you’re communicating with, you get a broader understanding of the target groups and how they communicate. When you listen to how these groups communicate, you also learn what is ‘acceptable’ and thereby learn how to use the appropriate amount of emojis and personal communication. Therefore, it is vital to spend time getting to know your target group, as the communication will become significantly more targeted. Thereby, you will also learn which communication channels the target group uses such as which social media channels are the most relevant.

4. Use social media

Social media can be majorly beneficial when it comes to communication. If the target group uses these platforms, then so should you. Thus, social media can also be used to create a stronger bond to the receiver and thereby make the service even better. The communication on social media can be somewhat informal, which is why you should be aware of how the communication on these platforms include more personal language and far more emojis than other communication channels. 

5. Use the seasons

Well what do we mean by that? Each season comes with new emojis and greetings. For example, in December you can wish your tenants a merry Christmas or wish them a happy new year as the year is coming to a close. It is worth noting that through the years, new emojis relating to Christmas such as a Christmas tree 🎄, Santa Claus 🎅 and a snowman ⛄ have been introduced. These can be used for a Christmas greeting to your tenants. Once again, emojis help personalise your message and show that you’ve thought about making your communication more specific and targeted. 

6. Respect and empathy

This point is self-explanatory in all aspects of life: You should treat everyone with respect and show empathy. When we relate it to communication used in the service industry, we believe that empathy and respect are some of the most important things when communicating to your tenants. Here, it is self-explanatory that through empathy and respect, you gain a better understanding of the target group and are thereby able to offer a better service.

7. No ‘boring’ communication

Hopefully, this is avoided by considering the first six points. It also sounds like a matter of course because who wants to actively communicate tediously? No one, right? Basically, this point is about thinking outside the box. Communication doesn’t have to be a tedious affair, as the creativity should be unleashed.

Generally, it’s a delicate balance when it comes to thtips we’ve listed. You shouldn’t get too relaxed in your communication in your quest to make it more personal or use an excessive amount of the newest emojis in your messages simply because you can. The same goes for making communication exciting rather than boring or tedious: It shouldn’t become so exciting and innovative that your message gets lost in emojis and funny remarks.

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